
The observatoire participatif du cadre du vie (participatory observatory of the living environment) encourages the cross-fertilization of the viewpoints of players and the general public, and makes the memory and trajectory of territories more legible.

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Compiled in booklets, these urban walks allow local residents to rediscover their city as they walk through it.

The Spots are like small project houses, where the central element is not an urban project but inhabitants and their knowledge. Each spot is located in a specific area of the city of Nablus, defined based on criteria such as age, gender...Aim:Establish connections with ...

Located on the site of Lille's former freight station, the Cours St so is an example of successful transitional management.

Workshop Nablus Boulevard : Method and design of a sustainable urban project based on the resources of the territories.

In Nablus water has always had a particular place. Moreover, due to the conflict between Israel and Palestine water is today, more than ever, a geopolitical resource.

Le projet de rénovation est porté par la mairie de Naplouse avec le soutien de l'UNESCO et de l'Union européenne. Le maire Ghassân Shaka‘a a entrepris de racheter les parcelles appartenant à des particuliers pour reconstituer la propriété unique et permettre l'action pu...

La démarche de coopération entre Lille et Naplouse a questionné le rôle clé du patrimoine dans le développement contemporain des villes, à travers le stage d'Elsa Bergery étudiante au laboratoire IAUL de l'Université de Lille, de mai à septembre 2017. "Lille et Naplous...

Boulevard urbain structurant de l'époque Moderne.

This hosh was restored and rehabilitated between 2012 and 2014. It is famous because the Palestinian president is said to have come here to hide during times of conflict.