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Tout effacerLe livret reprend les contenus de l'exposition-enquête sur les tiers-lieux présentée au WAAO en 2021
(FR) Ensemble de photographies prises, lors de la délégation lilloise 2016 à Naplouse avec la démarche de coopération décentralisée LINK UP.Voir le Projet LINK UP(EN) Set of photographs taken during the 2016 delegation from Lille to Nablus as part of the decentralized c...
Located in the municipality of Nablus in the West Bank, the Nablus Boulevard is an urban project that is part of the Sustainable Urban Development and Heritage component of the decentralized cooperation between the cities of Lille and Nablus. It aims at the requalificat...
The cooperation between Lille and Nablus involves students of Lille and Nablus universities. Their works and thesis dealt on urban planning issues linked to the projects of the cities.
The olive tree is considered a symbol in Palestine, and it can be used as a model to understand the interconnection and mutual influence between various aspects and dimensions. Families come together to pick the olive, which are then transformed into oil that can be sol...
Compilation of tools that could be used in the Nablus Boulevard project.
This website is dedicated to the observation and protection of nature in Palestine.
Fives Cail, a former industrial site with impressive architecture, is being transformed into an eco-neighbourhood in close collaboration with the Lille community and Hellemmes. The development aims to foster new urban lifestyles by integrating housing, shops, profession...
Depuis l'ouverture du lycée hôtelier international et des halles industrielles attenantes en 2016, le public lillois découvre ou redécouvre le majestueux site industriel Fives-Cail-Babcock où étaient fabriqués jusqu'en 2001 les plus belles locomotives, les ponts et char...
As part of its partnership with the sister municipality of Nablus and the municipality of Lille and SETEC organization, as well as An-Najah National University and the University of Lille, CAUE intervenes annually in several projects related to urban and architectural p...
Mémoire de fin d'études issu d'un stage réalisé d'avril à septembre 2023, consacré au projet urbain du Nablus Boulevard (Naplouse, Palestine).
5 Urban walks are proposed as participatory tools to establish a dialogue between the citizens of the city and the urban project leaders تم اقتراح خمس مسارات حضرية كأدوات مشاركة لإقامة علاقة وربط بين مواطني المدينة واصحاب العلاقة في مشروع نابلس بوليفارد