
The observatoire participatif du cadre du vie (participatory observatory of the living environment) encourages the cross-fertilization of the viewpoints of players and the general public, and makes the memory and trajectory of territories more legible.

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(FR) Tell Balata est un site archéologique de Naplouse, en Palestine, identifié à l'ancienne ville cananéenne et palestinienne de Sichem. Le site remonte au IIe siècle avant JC et possède une grande valeur historique et culturelle. La première colonie sur le site remont...

It contains the remains of the ancient city of Shechem which dates back to the second millennium BC. Excavation work has been done during the early and middle 20th century. New excavation has been made in 2011. Then the site has been open to the public and a visitor cen...

This factory is located on a site where the municipality is planning a new park and facilities for the population.

Le projet de rénovation est porté par la mairie de Naplouse avec le soutien de l'UNESCO et de l'Union européenne. Le maire Ghassân Shaka‘a a entrepris de racheter les parcelles appartenant à des particuliers pour reconstituer la propriété unique et permettre l'action pu...

Since the 16th century, Nablus' old Khan market has thrived, particularly known for textiles. Despite setbacks, like its destruction in 2002, resilient restoration efforts have maintained its charm, representing Nablus' lasting commercial influence.

The Spots are like small project houses, where the central element is not an urban project but inhabitants and their knowledge. Each spot is located in a specific area of the city of Nablus, defined based on criteria such as age, gender...Aim:Establish connections with ...

This traditional house of Nablus was built during the Late Ottoman era in 1855. The diwan (reception area) provides the main entrance, a stairway leads to an open yard surrounded by rooms and iwans. The triangular potteries on the internal facade allow the air to circul...

Compiled in booklets, these urban walks allow local residents to rediscover their city as they walk through it.

This landscaped garden, laid out in Gothic style, contains an artificial grotto, ponds and monuments to famous figures from Lille. It is listed as a Historic Monument.

Ce bâtiment symbolise l'architecture de la renaissance flamande et date de la période classique.

The tree in the city: a plant heritage that accompanies urban development, a symbolic and material resource of the urban project