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The médiathèque des territoires promotes knowledge of architecture, urban planning, the environment and landscape, and offers tools for advice, animation and discovery of the region.

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Abstract Traditional Islamic cities have generally gathered orientalized gazes and perspectives, picking up from misconceptions and stereotypes that evolved during the seconf half of the 19th century and were perpetuated by colonialism. More recent scholarship has shed ...

The final report give you the results of their research and studies for 3 months in a working team based in Lille. Services of the municipalities, the universities and the CAUE du Nord supported the young team in this collective work. Huit étudiants palestiniens et fra...

Fruitful cooperation and sister city relations between cities of Lille, France and Nablus, Palestine has produced a number of projects and initiatives that were carried out for the benefit of local communities and partner institutions in both cities. In 2015, municipali...

Le travail observe l'évolution d'un espace public emblématique du renouveau de la ville de Lille, dix ans après la dynamique de Lille 2004 Capitale Européenne de la Culture. La Promenade urbaine constitue un Rambla pour connecter les c∏urs d'intensité de la ville. La c...

Montage des séquences des 3 journées du Séminaire d'automne Lille/Naplouse d'octobre 2019.De la ville héritée à la ville durable : quelle rôle pour le réemploi dans le projet urbain d'une ville durable?

Série de vidéos retranscrivant la 1ère journée du séminaire d'automne Lille/Naplouse de 2019.La marche urbaine, outil au service de la participation citoyenne au projet urbain nabulsiIntroduction au parcours de la marche urbaine à travers les témoignages d'habitants de ...

Workshop Nablus Boulevard : Method and design of a sustainable urban project based on the resources of the territories.