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The médiathèque des territoires promotes knowledge of architecture, urban planning, the environment and landscape, and offers tools for advice, animation and discovery of the region.

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The place of women and children in public spaces, the perception of the city by Palestinians, and freedom of expression are just some of the subjects Sondus addressed in this interview.


The LINK UP project and the portal were presented at a reception held at the CAUE in the presence of the Nabulsis delegation on July 11th 2024.

La Ville de Lille propose une vidéo présentant le Pacte Lille Bas Carbone.

Montage des séquences des 3 journées du Séminaire d'automne Lille/Naplouse d'octobre 2019.De la ville héritée à la ville durable : quelle rôle pour le réemploi dans le projet urbain d'une ville durable?

Présentation du portail LINK UP à l'occasion du club des spassionautes d'automne 2023

CAUE du Nord

La Municipalité de Naplouse propose une vidéo illustrant le projet de reconversion de l'ancien site industriel qui préfigure le futur "Nablus Boulevard".

Fruitful cooperation and sister city relations between cities of Lille, France and Nablus, Palestine has produced a number of projects and initiatives that were carried out for the benefit of local communities and partner institutions in both cities. In 2015, municipali...

As part of the Boulevard de Nablus project, the CAUE has developed elements that can be used in addition to the project house, to enable citizen participation.