Nablus boulevard programming of Nablus park - Workshop Thesis

This document was realized within the framework of the 2023-2024 workshop on the Lille Nablus cooperation project in connection with the CAUE du Nord, the University of Lille and the University of Aj Najah.

The objective is to support the City of Nablus in the definition and implementation of a project on this site. The latter then involves presenting a program for the future park on Boulevard Naplouse, currently located on an industrial wasteland, keeping the tree as an approach to improve the living environment of residents and create more resilient cities.

Through this document which follows the diagnosis of the place of the tree in the city concerning a comparative study between Lille and Nablus, we will analyze in a diagnostic the advantages and weaknesses of the site and then define the main development issues. We will finally propose different programming scenarios for this park, while keeping in mind the place of the tree and natural spaces for the city. This work will lead to a more general programming of a green grid for the city of Nablus.

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