Sama Nablus (gardens) - Nablus (West Bank)

Characterized by its location high in the upper part of the extended north-west of Mount Ebal and its charming garden fountains, Sama Nablus has a number of vital facilities including a cafeteria, health unit, and family meeting spaces. There are also a number of ancient caves in the area, adding to the garden's natural beauty and historical mystique.
Sama Nablus is not only a garden. It has served as host to a number of employment projects with the cooperation of the Agency for Relief and Works and with support from the Municipality Fund to cover the cost of materials. This employment program has created jobs and also provided workers with a beautiful environment in which to be employed! It should be noted that the size of the park is close to 50 dunums, and the port is the first phase is part of the overall project.
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